Total Journal paper
STATS: Av. IF: 2.25; Publication with IF more than 4 > 6; Books edited: 1; journal issue edited: 1+(1); book chapters: 2 (P) + 6 (Accepted); Conference: 25 [GT=51]

Taki, K., Gogoi, A., Mazumder, P., Bhattacharya, S.S; Kumar, M.*(Accepted). Vermitechnology Integration with Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) and Activated Sludge for Metal Stabilization: A Compliance Study on Fractionation and Biosorption. J of Environmental Management. (IF=4.05)

Shim, J., Kumar, M*., Goswami, R., Mazumder, P., Oh, B.T., Shea, P.J. (2019). Removal of p-cresol and tylosin from water using a novel composite of alginate, recycled MnO2 and activated carbon. J of Hazardous Materials. 364, 419-428. (IF=6.0)

Devi, U., Taki., K, Shukla, T., Sarma. K.P., Hoque, R.R. Kumar, M* (Online First). Microzonation, ecological risk, and attributes of metals in highway road dust travelling through the Kaziranga national park, North east India: Implications for metal pollution. Environmental Geochemistry and Health (IF=2.99)

Borah, R., Taki, K., Gogoi, A., Das, P., and Kumar, M.* “Contemporary distribution and impending mobility of arsenic, copper and zinc in a tropical (Brahmaputra) river bed sediments, Assam, India.” Ecotoxicology and environmental safety(2018) 161:769-776. (IF: 3.974)

Shim, J., Mazumder, P., Kumar, M.*.(2018). Corn cob silica as an antibacterial support for silver nanoparticles: efficacy on Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes. Environ. Monitoring and Assessment. (2018) 190(10):583 (IF: 1.687)

Das, N, Das, A., Sarma, K. P., Kumar, M.*. “Provenance, prevalence and health perspective of co-occurrences of arsenic, fluoride and uranium in the aquifers of the Brahmaputra River floodplain.” Chemosphere 194 (2018): 755-772. (IF: 4.427)
Projetcs@ (IIT-GN)
Awarded/ Recommended
Project Title |
Funding Agency & Registration Number |
Vulnerability Assessment and Sustainable Solution for Water Quality Management in the Urban Environment | DST-UKIERI |
Pilot scale in-situ application for arsenic and fluoride removal from the groundwater: A safe drinking water production perspective | WIN Foundation, USA |
Micro-components quantification of end uses of water consumption in low income settings | WIN Foundation, USA |
Predictive Modelling of Arsenic in the aquifers of India |
IITGN Internal Project |
National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC) |
Gujarat State Centre on Climate Change – Proposal under NMSKCC to the DST, MoST, GoI |
Unravelling Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) zones along the Indian subcontinent and its islands (Mission-SGD) | NCESS-MOES |
Uranium in the groundwater of six districts of Gujarat | BRNS |
Remediation and Environmental Sustainability

Ongoing Projects

Themes & Impact
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment